
Sock Yarn swap

Happening over on the Facebook group.

I've shared photos on and off of my Mitered Square sock yarn blanket in the two years or so it has been in existence but recently I felt that I didn't want to work on it at all. Then, a chance conversation with online knitting friends meant a fresh infusion of colour and yarn and suddenly my enthusiasm has reawakened. 

My blanket is back out of the corner and being given some love again  and over in the Facebook Group - Everyday Knitter - we are holding a swap for leftover sock yarn. A bunch of us are swapping 5 x 5g mini skeins of sock yarn and you are more than welcome to join in. Please do pop over to the group and say hi - we would love to see you.

WIP: Sock Yarn Blankie

Just a quick update on my Sock Yarn blankie which is rumbling on quietly in the background.

Sometimes I don't pick it up for a few day or even a week, but that's fine.

It's always there and it's quite nice to greet it as an old friend and work on it for some peaceful, quiet knitting when I'm need of something calm.

I love looking at the blocks of colour and seeing how they play against each other - I am easily amused, clearly :)

Sock yarn blankie

Don't worry, I won't bore you too much with photos of a mitered square blanket growing at a snails pace but once I month I will post a tally of how many squares I have completed. More as a means of keeping the project 'front and centre'. otherwise, I know what I'm like. It will slide to the bottom of my WIPs basket and then further into dusty oblivion before being rescued during a marathon cleaning attempt.

So In April I did a grand total of 40 squares - it has grown a little since this photo was taken - and I'm really enjoying it.

I am trying to stick to mainly UK indie dyers yarn - fortunately I have many (many) leftovers and am loving how all the different colours and tones come together.

Very addictive. Just need to keep reminding myself to pick it up at least every other day to keep the momentum going.