Louise Tilbrook Designs

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Insert lovely blog post here

This blog post was intended to be a review of my yarny activities over the weekend and a quick recap of events around the country for Yarn Shop Day. 

However through the wonders of social media I have found out some more behind the scenes information about the day that have made me question my former enthusiasm for the 'official' event.

I knew that some yarn shops were participating officially and that some werent. What I wasn't aware of was that yarn shops had to pay to be included in the official event as advertised. I'm not entirely sure how I feel about this information, particularly in a community which is overwhelmingly inclusive. Like many knitters in the UK I like to support as many indie yarn sellers as I can whether they be local Yarn shops or online indie dyers or online yarn sellers. They all play a pivotal role in keeping our UK knitting community vibrant and alive - and let's face it our knitting world would be a pretty sad and dismal place if we had to resort to shopping solely in the 'big box' craft stores.

As a result I have pulled this blog post while I have a rethink and find out some more background information. As a blogger I feel that I have a responsibility to know more about the events I talk about here and maybe I was slightly naive in some of my earlier assumptions.

Goodness me - that's all pretty serious stuff for a Monday morning. Im going to suggest some calming knitting and a cup of coffee. Normal service will be resumed shortly.