Louise Tilbrook Designs

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The stashless knitter - discuss

I read a blog post a while ago by Staci of VeryPink.com, the post was actually written many years ago now but I came across it during a bit of late night yarny scrolling. In it she talked about how she was a knitter without a stash - a stashless knitter and I freely admit that the concept floored me.

A knitter without a stash? How is such a thing even possible. At first I couldn’t wrap my head around the concept. I don’t have a huge stash by any means but I do have a reasonable amount of sock weight (and some DK) yarn, and if pressed in an emergency I could ‘shop the stash’ to cast on for something at short notice.

Whilst I do my best to buy yarn only for specific projects I often find myself drawn into a bit of spontaneous purchasing - one of a kind (OOAK) colourways being my particular weakness. And even if I do buy yarn for a particular project, sometimes it ends up not working out quite right and I have to try something else - the original yarn going back into my stash for a rainy day.

If you’d asked me a few years ago I’d have said the more the merrier, with regards to yarn. But since Covid hit and we had to re-evaluate our home/living space I have definitely become a ‘less is more’ knitter. Whilst I do still have a stash I have downsized it considerably. It’s a sad fact that the yarn I bought at the beginning of my knitting journey is in many cases not what I want to knit with now. Tastes change - I know mine certainly have - as have the kinds of projects that I like to knit.

Over the course of six months or so I’d say I reduced the size of my stash by half (some was sold and some was donated) and then over the next year I halved it again.

In fact, writing this I’m thinking that I might be overdue for a bit of a clearout again. I now keep all my yarn in two large plastic tubs - and that’s it. Once it spills out into other areas of temporary storage it’s generally time to pare things back a bit. Going through my storage is also a useful way to remind myself of what I actually have already - it’s all too easy to forget and be attracted to the lure of new, shiny yarn when you already have something very similar at home.

How about you - would you ever see the appeal of being a stashless knitter or do you love to curate your extensive yarn collection?