KALs and Events

Comfort Blanket KAL 2020

Last year I ran the Comfort Blanket KAL - an 8 week KAL which alternated a recipe and ideas for knitting a mitered square blanket, with tips on self care and mindfulness. It was such a lovely, relaxing KAL and coming together to share progress and inspiration was a really uplifting thing to be part of.

As we head into the final quarter of 2020, it’s been a wild ride and the year isn’t done with us yet. I find myself craving comfort even more than ever. And so I have decided to rerun the KAL again this year.

Instead of a dedicated Facebook group for the KAL I’ll be hosting the community aspect of it within the Everyday Knitter Mighty Network community as a private group.

Those who purchase and sign up to the KAL will receive an invitation to join at the bottom of their Introductory PDF. Joining isn’t essential - the weekly PDFs will still be delivered to your inbox - but the chat, support and general ‘cheering each other on’ will happen in the MN group.

For those who joined in the KAL last time I’d love you to join us again, if you’d like to. The beauty of mitered square blankets is that they are never really finished are they? So if you’d like to add a few more squares to last years - or you are in the mood for a brand new one you would be more than welcome.

The newly re-written KAL is available for purchase now. To start with there is a pre-KAL information sheet and the first installment will be released on 28th September - with updates every Monday after that.

The PDFs will go straight to your inbox and will also be available within the Mighty Network group for reference.

If you bought the pattern the first time around and would like to rejoin the KAL, I’ll be sending instructions on how to access the group through the Ravelry mail system. If using Ravelry is a problem for you please let me know and I can email the directions to you directly.

If Ravelry is safe for you to use and you’d like to see what the knit-along folk made last year using the recipe you can find details of their projects here.

Exciting times ahead

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I’m genuinely thrilled that so many people have enthusiastically embraced the Facebook-free experience of the new Everyday Knitter home and are happily finding their way around as we embark on a second week there.

It is different to Facebook - not least because your home feed is chronological (whoop!) and you get to customise what you see - but partly because we are so used to the Facebook way of doing things it naturally takes time to adjust.

As I’ve been spending a lot less time on Facebook recently I have started to notice how I automatically tense when I pop back in to check on things. I find being there incredibly stressful and I’m sure it must be the same for others, we just don’t notice it when we are immersed in it. I guess it’s a bit like the analogy about the frog in slowly heating water - you only notice how hot it was when you get out.

Anyway - mixed metaphors aside - it is with relief and a sense of mounting excitement as I approach the 7th August. This is the date that the Facebook group will be permanently archived and all Everyday Knitter activity will happen on the Mighty Networks platform.

We will be kicking off with a settling in KAL starting on Monday 10th August and hopefully that will give people a chance to participate and try out some of the group’s features for themselves - especially if they always felt a bit reluctant to post or get involved in the larger Facebook group.

If you haven’t joined yet, why not come over and take a look? I’d love to get the chance to show you around.

Safe At Home KAL

As we near our second week of lockdown here in my part of the UK, things are starting to settle a little into our new-for-now routine and my mind is able to think about knitting again.

I thought now might be a good time for a friendly little KAL to give us something to focus on and give us a good excuse to rootle through our stash? (new purchases are of course permitted, where still available)

I have put together a #SafeAtHomeKAL bundle on Ravelry where a few of my patterns are available with a 25% discount (no code needed) and obviously I would love it if you were to pick a pattern from this to knit. Although as we aren't at home to the knitting police, if you wanted to knit something else that's totally fine too.

Also, if finances are not great right now I have set the Fuss Free Festival shawl to be free for the next month - so do please feel free to download that one too

To give us time to get our supplies together I thought a start date of Monday 6th April would probably work - that way we have the weekend to decide on a pattern and some yarn.

If you’d like to join in, please share your progress either in the Everyday Knitter FB group or on social media with the hashtag #SafeAtHome

Knit The Good Yarn

If there was ever the perfect time to knit up that special skein of yarn from your stash, I think this is it. We all have one of two skeins that we are ridiculously attached to. It might be a souvenir from a fabulous holiday, a gift from a loved friend or in this case an irreplaceable skein of yarn from a talented dyer who passed away much too soon.

Sparkleduck yarn was my first introduction to hand dyed yarn. Stocked at my local yarn shop (sadly also no more) it was like a magnet to my new knitters eyes. I rapidly built up a little collection and over the years I have steadily knitted the skeins - a few of my early sock designs such a Bleaberry Tarn used her yarn and it always drew admirous comments.

This is the skein that I have always held on to - a skein of her sparkle sock yarn in the colourway Here Be Dragons. It is stunningly beautiful - my speedy photo doesn’t do it justice - and so many times I have gone to use it, only to worry that whatever I chose won’t show it off to full effect - and tucked it back into the drawer.

But now seems to the perfect time to go for it. I carefully wound it by hand yesterday. Spent several hours deciding on a pattern - before deciding to go for my usual option of winging it - and cast on this morning over my cup of coffee. Remembering the all to few occasions where I met Heather - both at the Sheep Shop and also at Fibre East.

If you would like to join me in using up something special from your stash while we all cope with the uncertainty and stress of the current situation, please do. I am using the hashtag #KnitTheGoodYarn - please do use it as well and we can all follow each other and offer a little support.

Knit strong!

A Friday FO

It isn’t often that a Finished Object coincides with a Friday but here we are with a genuine FO.

A combination of illness and a super addictive project - thank you to Amy van de Laar and the Ravelry Giftalong - meant that this Beeswax Hat practically flew off the needles.

Just complex enough to hold my attention, but intuitive enough that my sleep deprived brain could follow along. It was perfect knitting from start to finish.

I enjoyed it so much that I also bought and cast on the matching Beeswax Shawl - so I’m sure there will be photos of that along shortly too.

If you haven’t heard of the Ravelry Giftalong please do check it out. It’s a week long 25% discount sale from nearly 300 designers - covering 1000s of their selected patterns. Far more than a sale though, it’s a whole community. There is a Giftalong Group on Ravelry with KALs, competitions and much more running through to the end of the year.

You can find the mega bundle with all the sale patterns here

And you can find my bundle here

If you do join in please do wave and say hello - and more importantly do let me know what you are knitting. I’m nosey like that


Ready for a KAL?

It’s a very low-key, minimal fuss type KAL, I promise.

If you’ve started already then WIPs totally count too. Starting on 1st June I’ll be running a KAL for my new design - the Pattern Please Shawl - over on the Everyday Knitter Facebook group and also on Instagram.

It’s a simple, fun knit - ideal for using up mini-skeins and all kinds of general stashbusting potential. The yarns pictured here were a kit from Lucylocketland, although these lovely birds-egg inspired colours sold out in a flash.

I know that Eden Cottage Yarns has some fabulous mini skeins too - I believe I even saw sparkly ones in her last update.

If you like stripes, garter stitch and a relaxed, no pressure KAL then this is the one for you.

By way of added incentive, every finished project listed in Ravelry by 15th July 2019 and linked to The PPS pattern page will go into a prize draw to receive a little something from my personal stash. There will be 2 prizes on offer - both skeins of hand dyed yarn - and I’m happy to ship them anywhere in the world.

So the only question that remains is which colours to pick? If you are stuck tag me on Instagram and use the hashtag #patternpleaseKAL so I can find you. Two brains are better than one, right?