A Colourful Frost

One of the very best things about designing and sending your pattern off into the big wide world by itself is seeing all the wonderful projects that it generates.

Following on from last weeks blog post "It Takes a Village..." social media gives an amazing ability for designers to interact with their customers and see their projects take shape.

Recently a group on Ravelry started a KAL on the theme of Hoar Frost and adopted my Hoar Frost socks as one of their chosen patterns. It is has been great fun to chat along in the thread and see so many fabulous socks spring into life.

It never fails to amaze me that the same design can look totally different when knit in different colours. The design now has 80 projects on Ravelry and it is fun to see how many knitters have chosen to use 'frosty' cool colours of blues, greys and neutrals. Others have spoken before about how certain words evoke certain colour associations (eg green - leaf/vine) and blue water/ocean/sky) which subconciously or not tends to influence our decisions when picking yarn for projects and it is a subject which I confess I find fascinating.

I have loved seeing all the 'non-frosty' colours too and picked a few that really jumped out at me just to create a fun collage. Daylight and sunshine is still in short supply here and so these socks gave me a much needed colour boost this week.