Blocking socks and making notes

Some days definitely feel more productive than others. It seems that with designing , as with so many things in life it is a case of 2 steps forward and 1 step back. Except that yesterday, after several consecutive days of backward steps I had a sudden sprint forward. New socks were blocked and photographed - in the 30 minutes of decent daylight that Essex has to offer at this time of year - patterns were drafted and charts charted.

Working a day job as well as designing has its ups and downs and there are times when I think I could be much more productive if I were to design full time. However, in my heart I know that at the moment I quite like the contrast between my two jobs. Being at my day job allows some space for my creative brain to have a bit of time off and to relax. Some of my best ideas pop into my head whilst commuting and it's not unknown for me to have to stop suddenly in a lay by to wrote something down (I know better than to rely on my memory).

Without the space created by my day job, that wouldn't happen and instead I fear that the constant pressure to create would be too much - my poor, flagging creative brain would just give up and wave a little white flag.

So for now, I'm content to be exactly where I want to be. Although if I didn't have to get up in the cold and dark to go to work on a Friday morning I would be really, quite happy.