Spring Startitis

Spring is definitely in full swing here with noticeably lighter mornings and beautiful spring flowers popping out everywhere you look. The lighter mornings are an absolute godsend for the knitter and photographer. The luxury of being able to take photographs almost whenever you like - as opposed to having to hustle like mad to get your photographs done in the 10 minutes of daylight you have available to you.

Spring does also bring a bit of a problem too. I refer of course to Spring Startitis. A well recognised event which goes hand in hand with the Autumn version currently afflicting our friends in the Southern Hemisphere. A change of season brings about a restlessness in the seasoned knitter. Suddenly the current projects on the needles look dull and staid in contrast to the glorious colours we are seeing in nature. We want to scamper freely in colour, to cast off our dull, woolly projects and cast on something pretty, fresh and brand spanking new.

This year I have decided to just go with the flow and cast on whatever the heck I feel like. Some projects may end up becoming finished and some may not make the cut after my initial enthusiasm wanes. But regardless, I am enjoying the change of season and Spring Startitis is just one way to welcome spring with open arms.