Spring has sprung

Not many words today but a heck of a lot of gorgeous spring-like colour. I'm not normally one for knitting with the seasons and I don't tend to make conscious choices of colour but sometimes the right yarn crosses your path and it is just pure serendipity.

This gorgeous fresh green from Countess Ablaze (via the new Classics Society subscription club) is sheer heaven.

Vibrant tonal greens which practically sing at you. It reminds me alternately of fresh green grapes and zingy limes and is a total pleasure to knit with.

I  cast on for another version of a new shawl pattern I will be releasing at Edinburgh Yarn Festival. The Fuss Free Festival Shawl pattern will be available from the lovely ladies at the Little Grey Girl and Fluph Shop when you purchase their exclusive Edinburgh wares. The ideal shawl that you can just drop everything and cast on. Perfect for when you are at a festival and want to get your special yarn on the needles right away.

Look out for more details in the coming days.