
Does anyone else experience withdrawal symptoms when they are away from my stash? In my case this manifests as a strong desire/need to cast on All The Things as soon as I return home. 

We had an amazing and fun weekend in London celebrating our boys' birthdays and on coming home I should have either been relaxing with a cup of tea, keeping the mellow mood going - or doing laundry and getting ready for the school week. Instead I found myself pawing through my stash and seriously contemplating winding 5 skein of sock yarn (in my tip of a kitchen) so that I could start a Find Your Fade shawl (or similar). Never mind that a particular skein of yarn has been in my stash for over 2 years. I have to knit it and knit it now.

Fortunately DH knows me well and lured me away with a well timed glass of Prosecco - otherwise I dread to think what the consequences might have been.

I was sensible and knit on a sock (whilst drinking the lovely Prosecco) and disaster was averted. Tonight through I feel might not end so well. I definitely need something soothing and gartery on the needles.