Something completely different

As a change from coffee and knitting, may I present tea and crochet.

This #GiantGrannySquare has been on go for ages (actually I checked back and I started it in 2020) and I was originally doing one colour for each round using scrap sock yarn leftover from other projects.

Then I stalled as each round started to take over 15g - meaning that a lot of my leftover yarn balls wouldn’t stretch to a full round. But there were still a heck of a lot of them to use up.

So last week I bit the bullet and made a magic ball with all my scraps (in colours that worked). I hand wound them into a mahoosive 240g ball and am now going to just whizz round and round trying very hard not to stress about colour placement. I figure that now it has reached a sufficient size (it was a 40” square last time I checked) it won’t be as obvious if there are colour changes mid-round.

This is quite a big deal for me as I normally fuss about how colours line up and embracing a devil may care attitude does not come naturally.

YARN JOINING: I used this tutorial for the magic knot technique but others methods are also available. An alternative would be to just tie a good sturdy knot leaving sufficient ends - and just work those in for a few stitches at the yarn join.

But in the spirit of #HaveAGoFriday (my recently made up thing - and something I talked about last week) I shall be adding to my blanket today and just going with the flow.

Oh - and the tea is a necessity as another handy menopause side effect has been a dramatic reduction in my caffeine tolerance (deep joy).