A slow start to September

For me this month is going to be slow and intentional. For pretty much all of my life September has meant back to school/work and a renewed push towards "getting stuff done" before the end of the year.

This year, for the first time I'm not working and I have the luxury of being able to evaluate exactly what I want to do and how I spend my time.

That's a luxury that I really want to slow down and appreciate.

This time next year I'll only have one boy at home as the other will be off to Uni and I guess I'm feeling the need to really appreciate what I have right now, before it all changes again.

I don't want to dive in with a load of "to do's" and lists before I've figured out exactly what I want to achieve in these next few months, or even if I want to actually achieve anything at all?

My need for reflection has been really highlighted with the events of the last few days and the death of the Queen. Whatever your views on monarchy as an institution the Queen has been a solid, tangible presence in all of our lives for a very long time and the transition to having a King is quite an adjustment to the national mindset. For me, along with a great many other people I suspect it has also brought feelings of grief to the fore, memories of losing our own loved ones and for that reason I have been taking a step back from social media - particularly Twitter.

As ever, social media reflects all of societies extremes - both good and bad - and I’m finding it difficult to balance my need for quiet thoughts against the maelstrom of Big Twitter Opinions.

As a pleasant alternative I came across a fabulous hashtag project yesterday (thanks to @sarahrichardssocial on Instagram ). It's called #SlowSeptember and there are a series of daily prompts if you choose to dip in and out of them.

But more than that, it's an invitation to take the foot off the accelerator and pause. To find a little space in your day to do something just for you. To consider something that's important to you.

Or just to sit and do nothing with a brew and a biscuit ☕☕

How are you feeling this September? Full of back to school energy or does Team Slow sound appealing to you too?