
Under your nose.. .

Sometimes the thing you are looking for is right under your nose the whole time.

For the past week or so you may have seen that I have been enjoying working on my corner to corner crochet blanket - some may say this has bordered on obsession - but as I am powering through my sock yarn stash it has to be a good thing.

I have decreed that this blanket shall be full of light, bright colours - think spring garden flowers. Colours that make me think happy seasonal thoughts. Especially if I can eat happy, seasonal chocolate at the same time. The only problem is that my sock yarn stash contains rather a lot of grey. Now, don’t get me wrong. I am a huge fan of grey - just not in this particular blanket.

And so I have spent a rather embarrassing amount of time online this week looking for pretty, pink speckled yarns. Not my usual choice for my design work but yarn which is just the ticket for this ridiculously addictive blanket.

Imagine my surprise then, when a chance rootle through my stash drawers came up with this perfect pink speckled yarn from last years The Golden Skein. At the time I didn’t know what to do with it (other than pet it) and so it was tucked away lovingly into my stash.

And now it’s time has come. The stash has revealed it at just the right time and so within 5 minutes the yarn was wound and I was gleefully adding it into my blanket.

DH has taken to referring to me working on my blanket as my ‘feeding the monster’ - so quickly does yarn disappear into the thing. And I think he is quite heartened at the rate my sock yarn scraps are dwindling. Although he doesn’t realise that the drawers where I keep my stash are a far bigger monster and empty space within it is not to be tolerated - more yarn will need to be purchased and soon, to feed it.