
Journaling prompts to boost creativity

I think we have all felt a bit stuck in a creative rut at one time another. Particularly when I’ve reached the end of a long project or I am at the stage where I can’t (or won’t) make progress on long standing WIPs. There are times when, frustratingly I find myself with time on my hands and the desperate urge to create something, anything, but yet I’m almost paralysed by indecision and choice.

I tell myself I’ll just have a look through my yarn stash but an hour later I’m still there. Pawing through my stored yarn, thinking of plans, maybe starting a few but then ripping back and ending up back where I started. Just with a busier brain.

I’ve found that keeping a super long-term project on hand is really helpful for times like this. My giant granny square blanket for example can always be added too and it can keep my fingers busy and my brain distracted.

My other go-to solution is my journal. I grab my trusty notebook and pen and either free write (great for releasing frustration) or use a prompt that appeals to me.

Anything to get words and feelings out of my brain and to free up a bit of space for me to be me again.

If this sounds like something you might like I have put together a short, free PDF containing 5 of the prompts I use most often when I’m feeling in a creative rut.

You can tap the button below to download it, or save the Pinterest image for later.


Creativity Matters

“You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have”

Maya Angelou

This is one of my favourite quotes on creativity - so much so that I have it written in the front of my journal where I see it every day.

Journaling is a big part of how I connect to my creative side - through words rather than images - which sounds a little strange at first. Often when we think of creativity and art we think in terms of painting, drawing and other visual representations - and with that can come a whole set of baggage (complete with wheels and a carry on bag) about stories we have told ourselves over the years.

That we ‘aren’t good at art’ or that we aren’t ‘the creative type’.

I’ve written about this before - You are creative, even when following a pattern - and it’s something I feel really strongly about. I believe that we all have the capacity to be creative, we just might not recognise it in ourselves.

If this sounds familiar to you, I thought I would put together a couple of the prompts that I use regularly in my journaling practice. I find that they help when I’m feeling a bit stuck or I feel that my brain needs a creative boost. I grab a notebook and pen (coffee helps) and let the words do the talking.

If you’d like to have a try at journaling for creativity, please just tap the link below.