It's Indie GAL time again

I’m not entirely sure but I think this is my 4th time, taking part in the chaos, the fun and the sheer exuberance that is the Ravelry Indie Giftalong. Almost 300 knitters have come together to offer a 25% discount on a selected range of their patterns in a week long sale, designed to give your holiday knitting a boost.

The sale starts on 26th Nov, 3pm UK time and ends on Dec 2nd but the fun continues long after that in the Ravelry group. There are competitions, chances to win prizes, and more chatter than you can possibly keep up with. To me, it sums up the fantastic, woolly knitting community that we are lucky enough to be a part of. This year there is also an Instagram challenge running - look for @indiegiftalong and also follow the hashtags #indiegiftalong and #gal2019 for more details.

You can find all the participating designers and chat on the GAL Group

You can find my sale bundle here

Hope to see you there? Once all the chat kicks off it’s a busy group but you can usually find me somewhere plodding along in the slow lane thread and making plans to knit All The Things.