How to do your own DIY yarn club

Please don't get me wrong, I absolutely love a good yarn club. But as I evaluate my stash at the start of 2020 I find that I have plenty of yarn already in need of the perfect project.

This is most definitely not an invitation to a yarn diet or cold sheeping. And I will absolutely be continuing to buy yarn from my favourite sellers. But I am going to make plans for a year long DIY yarn club. 12 small projects I can knit from my stash during 2020 - 1 per month.

I'm going to try and use patterns I already own - ticking the “in library” box during Ravelry searches makes this super easy. But I'm not ruling out the odd spur of the moment purchase either.

I have 12 bags - not all as pretty as this one sadly. Each one will house yarn, pattern if already printed (or I'll keep a track of digital ones in my notebook) and any other bits and bobs I need.

After that it's just a matter of picking one at random on the first of each month, knowing I have a quick, portable, travel friendly project ready to go. With the added benefit that I'll be knitting from stash too.

If the idea of appreciating your stash appeals to you, please do check out this link to my new 2020 yarny venture - The Stash Appreciation Society.

January is all about stash inventory and our DIY yarn club. February will be a yarn swap and themed around making new yarny friends, and so on throughout the year. There's lots of chat in the Facebook group already and it promises to be a fun place to hang out.

If you have any questions about the group please just ask and I'm happy to help.