fall knitting

A new shawl for crisp autumn days

I'm sure you are well aware of my love of all things autumnal, and when I came across a new word - Autumnity - for some reason it stuck in my head and wouldn't leave.

It kept making me think of crisp autumn days, the rustle of leaves and the slight chill in the air. It struck me that as we have petrichor (the term used to describe the smell of wet earth after summer rain) we should really have a word to describe the smell of those autumn days.

I can't recreate that in knitwear, obviously, but this wonderfully crisp Yak-based sock yarn from Banshee Yarns ticked all the right boxes for me - fabulous stitch definition, crisp but soft - and of course a gorgeous autumnal colour.

The shawl is an extended triangle, knit sideways with the straightforward lace border knit on as you go.

You do need access to weighing scales for this, but other than that it is a wonderfully relaxing and straightforward shawl to knit. Just make sure that if you are knitting on the move, you have some portable scales with you (don't be like me and end up carting our kitchen scales with you in your hand bag. It wasn't quite an 'everything but the kitchen sink' moment - but my husband did raise an eyebrow when he spotted it in my handbag).

The pattern is available on my Payhip store as usual, but this time - for the first time - I have a pattern launch available directly on my website (cue trumpet fanfare). Just click the button to buy and if you’d like a copy for your Ravelry library please email me after purchase and I’ll make that happen.

Happy autumn knitting.