
Winter of Books and Yarn

You may remember that back in the summer I ran a really successful and enjoyable 6-week reading challenge - Summer of Books and Yarn.

I’m pleased to say that the readalong challenge is returning for the winter months with a similar format and an equally imaginative name - Winter of Books and Yarn.

Starting on Monday Dec 26 and running for 6 weeks, the challenge will feature:

  • A weekly prompt theme (although actual book choice is up to you)

  • A free knitting pattern for a cowl

  • Daily chat and sharing of our reads in the Everyday Knitter Facebook Group

The weekly prompts (and the free pattern) will be sent out by email - make sure you register at the button below to receive them. Chat and general social shenanigans will mainly be in the Everyday Knitter Facebook group although I will also be talking about it over on my Twitter account - @EverydayKnitter and on Instagram @LouiseTilbrookDesigns with the hashtag #WinterOfBooksAndYarn

The weekly prompts/themes are entirely optional and I always include a wild card as well, so if you have a particular book you are keen to read you can include it. And any book counts - ebooks, audio books, paper books - all are equally valid and included here.

If you are interested and would like to be the first to get all the details, please just tap the button below. And if you have any questions please just ask.