4 ways to support your LYS - without buying yarn

Limited edition LYS Colourway from West Yorkshire Spinners

Saturday May 6th is Local Yarn Shop day here in the UK - seriously one of my favourite days of the year.

I am lucky enough to be teaching a Socks for beginners class at my LYS - The Sheep Shop in Cambridge and afterwards Third Vault Yarns will be doing a talk and Trunk Show which is all very exciting.

We are so lucky to have exciting and vibrant local yarn shops here but I know that there are certain areas of the country where this isn't the case and it's important that we show our LYS's some love all year round - not just on May 6th.

So here a few ways you can support your LYS

1. Buy yarn obviously. I could be preaching to the converted here (in fact I suspect I am) but even though online buying is quick and convenient nothing beats the squish factor. Getting up close and personal with your intended purchases is far more satisfying than through a computer screen.

2. Tell your friends about it. Word of mouth is a great tool in encouraging more people to visit an LYS. Alternatively leave an online review for your LYS to help inform others.

3. When you do visit an LYS - share it on social media. Check in there on Facebook and show off your purchases. It all helps to share awareness among your wider social group.

4. Participate in Knit Nights or other group events in the shop

5. Even if you are on a yarn diet, do you need new needles, stitch markers or scissors - every little helps.

If you aren't local to Cambridge there are some fabulous events going on around the UK. You can find a list of participating stores here.

If I was further north I would most certainly be making a beeline for the Countess Ablaze's new dye studio in Manchester for one of her legendary soirees. Or in London, Anna at Wild and Woolly is hosting a fabulous event featuring The Wool Kitchen and Travel Knitter amongst others.

It's going to be a fabulous day. Whatever you do - even if it is just leaving an online review for your LYS or telling a friend about them I hope you enjoy the day and that you can help to share the love for our LYS's.