christmas knitting

Tips for avoiding seasonal overwhelm

Plain toe-up socks in WYS Gingerbread yarn.

I’m sure we all know those super prepared people - the ones who have all their Christmas cards written and presents bought by bonfire night, not to mention all of their knitted gifts done and dusted. If you are reading this though, then I’m sure you’ll be heartened to read that I am not one of those people.

Every year around this time of year I swear that next year will be different and that by 1st December I will be wearing a large, sparkly T shirt that says “I’m ready for Christmas”. And every year the festive season hits me like a tinsel covered tow truck. Every single bloody year.

Over the years I have gradually pared down the list of Christmas essentials, eliminating everything that doesn’t bring me joy or that causes undue stress. For your reading pleasure I present a short list of things I have found I can reduce or do without in hopes that it inspires you to declutter your festivities as well:

  1. No knitting for others, unless I really want (and have time) to

  2. No late-night shopping or activities after 7pm

  3. No Christmas cards except for relatives and people I won’t see in person

  4. No festive baking - unless I am really in the mood and I want the house to smell nice

  5. Stepping away from social media the minute I find myself bookmarking Christmas decor ideas

  6. No Elf on the shelf or Christmas Eve boxes - but we do give Christmas Eve books.

  7. No hot chocolate stations or similar Pinterest-y fad of the year

  8. No present buying for spouse (we each do a donation to Crisis instead)

  9. Every Friday I replace my daily bullet journal to-do list with a ‘have done’ list. It’s easy to focus on everything that you haven’t done but I find when I look back at the week and list all the things that I have accomplished it gives me a really positive boost.

In case you think I’m a complete Grinch I do really enjoy (aspects of) Christmas. I just like to enjoy them on my own terms, in my own way and without putting pressure on myself and others. For this weekend that looks like buying mince pies and eating them under a blanket, whilst knitting on some more Christmas socks.

What kind of Christmas Knitter are you?

The Knitting Quiz rides again - this time I have redone it with a festive twist.

We all have varying attitudes to Christmas knitting - and just the mere mention of it in knitting circles, from September onwards is likely to generate a multitude of responses.

So, just for fun I put together a short, 2 minute quiz to see what kind of Christmas knitting category you fall into. We have The Grinch, The Elf, The Fairy and The Angel.

Want to see which type you are - just tap the button below to take the quiz - and please feel free to share it with a knitty friend or two.