knitting quiz

What kind of Christmas Knitter are you?

The Knitting Quiz rides again - this time I have redone it with a festive twist.

We all have varying attitudes to Christmas knitting - and just the mere mention of it in knitting circles, from September onwards is likely to generate a multitude of responses.

So, just for fun I put together a short, 2 minute quiz to see what kind of Christmas knitting category you fall into. We have The Grinch, The Elf, The Fairy and The Angel.

Want to see which type you are - just tap the button below to take the quiz - and please feel free to share it with a knitty friend or two.

What kind of knitter are you?

I don’t know about you but I always used to love those fun quizzes you used to get in girls magazines. You know, the ones that claimed to be able to predict your entire personality type or your perfect lipstick shade from whether you had circled ‘mostly As’.

Even though you knew that you used to try to skew the answers to get the ‘cool girl’ result you wanted, or you retook the test a couple of times to get the ‘right’ answer.

So, just for fun I decided to do a similar one for knitters - because, well, why not.

It will come as no surprise that many of us are ‘Butterflies’ myself included although, these days I definitely tend towards ‘The Planner’ on occasion.

How about you? What category do you fall into